Abstract submission has been extended!

The submission deadline of poster abstracts has been extended until 1 August 2024! Oral abstracts submission is closed.
Communication of accepted abstracts by 10 June 2024. Later poster abstracts submissions will receive feedback continuously.

In your submission, please follow the required structure described below!


Presentation title*


Please indicate a topic preference for your abstract:

Presenting author's data

First name*
Last name*
Job title*(e.g. Professor, Lecturer, PhD Student etc.)
Affiliation (Organisation/Institution)*
Presenting author's e-mail address*

Corresponding author's data

First name*
Last name*
Corresponding author's e-mail address*

Abstract (please paste the text here)*5000Required structure: 
  • Abstract should include following paragraphs 
  • Intoduction 
  • Materials and Methods 
  • Results and Discussion 
  • Conclusion  
  • Acknowledgments
NB! The text must be structured into the mentioned paragraphs and must include these subtitles for the paragraphs! 
The maximum number of characters together with spaces is 5000.

It is particularly important that you state clearly what you have done, not merely what you plan to do, and explain how your work is different from previously published work, i.e., what is the unique contribution that your work makes to the field? Please consider what the reader will learn from your submission, and how they will find your work useful. If you write with these questions in mind, your work is more likely to be successful, both in being accepted into the Conference, and in influencing the work of our field. After the Conclusion part you can also use a paragraph with Acknowledgements, for example if you want to thank funding sources or supporters of your work.  
Please write the co-authors' names here together with their affiliations.Formatting: last name, first name, institution (e.g. John Smith, University of Tartu)

Upload figures/imagesUploaded files have to be numbered (e.g., “Table 1” or “Figure 2”) and captioned. Please note that the words “Figure” and “Table” should be spelled out. The captioned file needs to be mentioned at the place where they belong within the text.
Upload figures/images
Upload figures/images
Keywords (up to 6)

References (up to 5)*


Use a numbered list of references at the end of the article, ordered as they appear in the text or ordered alphabetically by first author. Your references should be published materials accessible to the public. Proprietary information may not be cited. Private communication should be acknowledged in the main text, not referenced (e.g., “[Robertson, personal communication]”). 

  1. Chien, Y.W. Human insulin: Basic sciences to therapeutic uses, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. 22, 753-789 (1996). 

  1. Carino, G. and Mathiowitz, E. Oral insulin delivery, Adv. Drug Del. Rev. 35, 249-257 (1999). 

  1. Elsayed, A.; Al Remawi, M.; Qinna, N.; Farouk, A. and Badwan, A. Formulation and characterization of an oily-based system for oral delivery of insulin. Euro. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 73, 269-279 (2009). 

  1. Remawi, M.; Badwan, A Qinna, N.; Elsayed, Arafat, A.; Melhim, M.; Abu Hijleh, O. and Idkaidek, N. Enhancement of oral bioavailability of insulin in humans. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 30, 101-105 (2009). 
